Iranian Journal of Health Sciences- Submission Instruction
Submission Instruction

Clear images and colors

Articles should be divided into the following sections:

Title page:
It should contain the following information:
1. Title (the Title should be concise, descriptive _not declarative_, and limited to 75 characters).
2. Corresponding author contact information (name, address, telephone, fax, e-mail). Also, list each author's name, including the first name, the highest graduate degree, and each author's department and institutional affiliation.
3. Running Title

It should contain the following information:
1. Background and purpose
2. Materials and Methods
3. Results
4. Conclusion
Keywords (3 to 5 Keywords, matched with MeSH )
Abstracts should generally be no more than 300 words

This should summarize the purpose and the rationale for the study. It should neither review the subject extensively nor have data or conclusions of the study. As with other sections, the Introduction must be double-spaced.
Materials and Methods:

This should include the exact method of observation or experiment. If an apparatus is used, its manufacturer's name and address should be given in parentheses.  If the method is established, provide a reference; if it is new, give enough information so another author can perform it. If a drug is used, its generic name, dose, and route of administration must be given. For patients, age and sex with mean age ± standard deviation must be provided. Statistical methods must be mentioned, and any general computer program used must be specified. The Info system used should be clearly mentioned.

It must be presented in text, tables, and illustrations. The contents of the tables should not be repeated in the text. Instead, a reference to the table number may be given. Long articles may need sub-headings within some sections (especially the Results and Discussion parts) to clarify their contents.

In limited numbers, it should be submitted with the captions placed above. Do not submit tables as pho­tograph. Place explanatory matters in footnotes, not in the heading.

It should be in limited numbers, with high-quality artwork, and mounted on separate pages. The captions should be placed below. The same data should not be presented in tables, fig­ures, and text simultane­ously.
It is permissible to send low-resolution images for peer review, although we may ask for high-resolution files later.
We can accept electronic files in the following formats: GIF and JPEG. If patient photographs are used, they should not be identifiable, or the pictures should be accompanied by written permission to use them.

This should emphasize the present findings and the variations or similarities with other work done in the field by other workers. The detailed data should not be repeated in the discussion. Emphasize the new and essential aspects of the study and the conclusions that follow from them. It must be mentioned whether the hypothesis mentioned in the article is true or false or if no conclusions can be derived.

Acknowledgments ( If applicable):
All contributors who do not meet the criteria for authorship should be covered in the acknowledgment section. It should include persons who provided technical help and writing assistance and a departmental head who only provided general support. Financial and material support should also be acknowledged.

Conflicts of interest:
Authors must acknowledge and declare any sources of funding and potential conflicting interest, such as receiving funds or fees by or holding stocks and shares in an organization that may profit or lose through the publication of your paper. Declaring a competing interest will not lead to automatic rejection of the paper, but we would like to be made aware of it. 

All manuscripts should be accompanied by relevant references. The author should ensure reference to locally published studies by properly searching the literature. It may not be possible for the editor and reviewers to check the accuracy of all reference citations. The author should verify the references against the original documents to minimize such errors. See References in Manuscript Details.
References must be double-spaced and numbered consecutively as they are cited. References first cited in a table or figure legend should be numbered in sequence with references cited in the text when the table or figure is first mentioned. List all authors when there are six or fewer; when there are seven or more, list the first six, followed by "et al." The following are sample references:
1. Journal: Russell FD, Coppell AL, Davenport AP. In vitro enzymatic processing of radiolabelled big ET-1 in human kidney as a food ingredient. Biochemical Pharmacolog, 1998 Mar 1;55(5):697-701.
2. Book: Fauci AS, Braunwald E, Isselbacher KJ, Wilson JD, Martin JB, Kasper DL, et al, editors. Harrison's principles of internal medicine. 14th ed. New York: McGraw Hill, Health Professions Division; 1998.
3. Book Chapter: Porter RJ, Meldrum BS. Antiepileptic drugs. In: Katzung BG, editor. Basic and clinical pharmacology. 6th ed. Norwalk (CN): Appleton and Lange; 1995. p. 361-80.
4. Conference Papers: Bengtsson S, Solheim BG. Enforcement of data protection, privacy and security in medical informatics. In: Lun KC, Degoulet P, Piemme TE, Reinhoff O, editors. MEDINFO 92. Proceedings of the 7th World Congress on Medical Informatics; 1992 Sep 6-10; Geneva, Switzerland. Amsterdam: North-Holland; 1992. p. 1561-5.
5. Web Site: Garfinkel PE, Lin E, Goering P. Should amenorrhea be necessary for the diagnosis of anorexia nervosa? Br J Psych [serial online] 1996 [cited 1999 Aug 17]; 168(4):500-6. Available from: URL:
Numbered references to personal communications, unpublished data, or manuscripts either "in preparation" or "submitted for publication" are unacceptable. If essential, such material can be incorporated appropriately into the text. For more information, please see Vancouver Style.

Abbreviations and symbols:
Use only standard abbre­viations. Avoid using them in the Title and ab­stract. The full term for which abbre­viation stands should precede its first use in the text unless it is a stan­dard unit of measurement.

The entire contents of "Iran J Health Sci" are protected under international copyrights. This journal is for your personal, non-commercial use. You may not modify, copy, distribute, transmit, display, or publish any materials contained in the journal without the prior written permission of it or the appropriate copyright owner.

Page charges
There are no charges for publication in this journal.

Peer review process
All manuscripts are considered to be confidential. They are peer-reviewed by at least two anonymous reviewers selected by the editorial board. The corresponding author is notified of the editor's decision to accept, reject, or require modifications as soon as possible. If the manuscript is completely acceptable according to the criteria outlined in these instructions, it is scheduled for the next available issue.

Authors Commitment Form

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