Ethics code: IR.QUMS.REC.1400.359
Clinical trials code: 0
Emrani R, Akhoundi M. Investigating Psychosocial Causes of the Tendency for Rhinoplasty in Qazvin City, Iran, in 2023: A Descriptive Analytical Study. Iran J Health Sci 2024; 12 (3) :223-230
Dental Caries Prevention Research Center, Qazvin University of Medical Sciences, Qazvin, Iran. ,
Abstract: (879 Views)
Background and Purpose: The demand for rhinoplasty is increasing. Cosmetic surgery is under the influence of psychological variables. This study aimed to evaluate different determinants of the patient’s psychosocial functioning that might affect the outcome of rhinoplasty surgery.
Materials and Methods: This case-control research was conducted in Qazvin City, Iran in 2022. A total of 228 people (114 controls and 114 cases) who were matched entered the study. The study tools comprised two questionnaires: One was a researcher-made questionnaire to determine social factors, and the second was a standard international NEO-FFI test to assess personality traits. The findings were analyzed using the t-test and analysis of variance.
Results: one hundred fourteen cases and 114 controls participated in the study. Age was a significant factor in deciding on rhinoplasty (P=0.02). Regarding the social factors, the most prevalent factors were improving self-confidence, achieving more beauty, and peer pressure. The psychological part showed that extrovert people have a greater tendency to undergo rhinoplasty (P=0.04). Also, the neuroticism, openness, neuroticism, and agreeableness personality traits were higher in the case group and the conscientiousness in the control group (P=0.04).
Conclusion: There is a difference between the psychosocial pattern of volunteers and non-volunteers of rhinoplasty. The psychosocial factors affect the participants’ tendency for cosmetic rhinoplasty. The authors of the article recommend psychological evaluation of cosmetic surgery candidates before the operation.