دوره 5، شماره 3 - ( 5-1396 )                   جلد 5 شماره 3 صفحات 64-58 | برگشت به فهرست نسخه ها

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Momenabadi V, Kaveh M H, Mousavi S M, Alizadeh S. Maternal Risk Factors Associated with Low Birth Weight. Iran J Health Sci 2017; 5 (3) :58-64
URL: http://jhs.mazums.ac.ir/article-1-501-fa.html
Maternal Risk Factors Associated with Low Birth Weight. علوم بهداشتی ایران. 1396; 5 (3) :58-64

URL: http://jhs.mazums.ac.ir/article-1-501-fa.html

چکیده:   (5969 مشاهده)
Background and purpose:
Since a large proportion of fetal mortality is associated with low birth weight (LBW) and considering the fact that fetal development is a vulnerable process influenced by maternal risk factors, this study examined some maternal risk factors associated with LBW infants.
 Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted based on the medical records of 250 infants born in Zeynabeieh Hospital. The required data were registered in a pre-developed checklist. Then, the collected data were analyzed by Chi-square in SPSS Software using descriptive and inferential statistics.
Results: The mean weight of the sample was 3.2 ± 0.25 (1.5-4.7) kg. About 18% of the infants had birth weight of 2500 g or less. The most frequent educational level among the mothers was illiteracy and elementary education (60%), and the least was secondary education (9.2%). There was found a significant correlation between the mothers’ education and low birth weight (P < 0.001). Regarding the association between the mothers’ age and low birth weight, 18- to 35-year-old mothers comprised the highest number of mothers (75%), and upper 35-year-old mothers did the lowest (11.2%). Based on chi-square test, a significant correlation was observed between the mothers’ ages and low birth weight (p<0.001). In addition, concerning the occupation of mother and low birth weight, there was documented a significant correlation between their occupation and low birth weight (P < 0.001).
Conclusion: Maternal biosocial, medical, and obstetric factors have strong association with LBW. To overcome this problem, special attention is required so as to strengthen the mother and child healthcare services in the community.
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نوع مطالعه: پژوهشي | موضوع مقاله: بهداشت محیط زیست

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