Identification Of Health, Safety, and Environment Aspects In Cement Factory Using AHP And FMEA Techniques [Volume 8, Number 1] |
Prospective and Retrospective Memory Complaints in HIV-Infected Individuals [Volume 7, Number 4] |
Application of the Weibull Accelerated Failure Time Model in the Determination of Disease-Free Survival Rate of Patients with Breast Cancer [Volume 4, Number 2] |
Activated carbon
Removal of Reactive Black 5 dye from Aqueous Solutions by Adsorption onto Activated Carbon of Grape Seed [Volume 5, Number 4] |
Admission of COVID-19 Patients to the Cardiac Care Unit: Challenges and Solutions [Volume 9, Number 2] |
Psychological Wellbeing in Adolescents: Examining the Mediating Role of Self-differentiation and Sexual Intimacy of Mothers [Volume 11, Number 4] |
Barriers to the Father-adolescent Sexual Communication: A Cross-sectional Study [Volume 12, Number 3] |
Adsorption of Ni(II) and Cd(II) from Aqueous Solutions Using Modified Rice Husk [Volume 3, Number 1] |
Investigation of Acid Blue 62 Dye Adsorption using SBA-15/Polyaniline Mesoporous Nanocomposite: Kinetic and Thermodynamic Study [Volume 5, Number 3] |
Adsorption Rate of 198 Reactive Red Dye from Aqueous Solutions by using Activated Red Mud [Volume 1, Number 1] |
Studies on the Removal of Indigo Carmin from Aqueous Solutions by GO, Oxidized MWCNTs, AC, and MWCNTs [Volume 6, Number 1] |
The Relationship Between Empowerment and Social Support Among Pregnant Afghan Women: A Cross-sectional Study in Kabul City, Afghanistan [Volume 11, Number 3] |
Age Determinant
Epidemiological Survey on the Status of Obsessive-compulsive Disorder among School-age Children in Iran [Volume 3, Number 4] |
Examining Fall Risk and Related Factors in Rural Older Adults: A Cross-sectional Study in Yazd Province, Iran [Volume 12, Number 2] |
Ahvaz IV Industrial Estate
Assessment of Heavy Metal Contamination in Surface Soils of Ahvaz IV Industrial Estate, Khuzestan Province, Iran [Volume 4, Number 1] |
Algal Bloom
Artificial Neural Network Approaches to the Prediction of Eutrophication and Algal Blooms in Aras Dam, Iran [Volume 3, Number 1] |
Direct Blue 71 Removal from Aqueous Solutions by Adsorption on Pistachio Hull Waste: Equilibrium, Kinetic and Thermodynamic Studies [Volume 4, Number 2] |
Aqueous Solution
Photodegradation of the Antibiotic Penicillin G in the Aqueous Solution using UV-A Radiation [Volume 1, Number 3] |
Aqueous solution
Using Eggshell in Acid Orange 2 Dye Removal from Aqueous Solution [Volume 3, Number 2] |
Study of Mortality Rate And Poisoning Status by Using Pesticides, Drugs, and Chemicals In Meshkinshahr, Ardabil Province [Volume 8, Number 1] |
Atkinson Index
The Inequity of Expenditure Ratios on Health and Food among Different Deciles of Iranian Households [Volume 1, Number 3] |
Azadshahr City
Prevalence of Pediculosis and Associated Risk Factors in the Girls primary School in Azadshahr City, Golestan Province, 2012-2013 [Volume 2, Number 2] |
Studying the Environmental Health Status and Consumption of Baking Soda in Military and Urban Lavash Bakeries of Tehran in 2012 [Volume 1, Number 1] |
Banana Leaf
Equilibrium and Thermodynamics Studies for Decolorization of Reactive Black 5 by Adsorption onto Acid Modified Banana Leaf Ash [Volume 3, Number 3] |
Investigation into the Musculoskeletal Disorders Prevalence and Postural Assessment among Barbers in Sari-2016 [Volume 6, Number 4] |
A study of barriers to adherence of antiretroviral treatment in prisoners living with HIV in Tehran, Iran [Volume 8, Number 2] |
Basic Red 18
Textile Wastewater Treatment by Electrocoagulation Process using Aluminum Electrodes [Volume 2, Number 1] |
Bayesian model
Using the Bayesian Model Averaging Approach for Genomic Selection by Considering Skewed Error Distributions [Volume 12, Number 4] |
Behavior Change
The Role of Social Marketing in Community Health Improvement: A Mixed Approach [Volume 9, Number 3] |
Survey on Environmental Indices of Primary School in Behshahr City, Iran 2012-2013 [Volume 1, Number 3] |
Body composition
The Effects of Resistance Training With and Without Electrical Muscle Stimulation on Body Composition of Obese Women [Volume 10, Number 4] |
Breast Cancer
Studying Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior of Breast Cancer Screening Methods among Behshahr Dwelling Women [Volume 1, Number 2] |
Burden of waterborne diseases
A Review of the Effects of Climate Change with an Emphasis on Burden of Waterborne Diseases
[Volume 6, Number 4] |
Job Burnout Status andAnd its Relationship with Resilience Level of Healthcare Workers during Covid-19 Pandemic: A Case of Southern Iran [Volume 9, Number 3] |
The Old Adults’ Emotional Wellness and Spiritual Well-being with an Emphasis on Physical Activity during COVID-19 Pandemic [Volume 9, Number 4] |
Workload status and its relationship with job stress in nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic [Volume 9, Number 4] |
Designing and Evaluating Validity and Reliability of the Questionnaire Concerning the Factors Affecting Person’s Intention of COVID-19 Prevention (FAPI-COP) [Volume 10, Number 3] |
Calculation Procedure.
Comparing two Formulas of Sample Size Determination for Prevalence Studies [Volume 1, Number 2] |
Car factory
Microbiological and Chemical Findings of Water Used for Various Industrial Processes in Babol Car Factory, Iran, in 2013 A Case Study [Volume 3, Number 1] |
The Survival Rate of Childhood Leukemia and Its Related Factors in Kerman, Iran [Volume 3, Number 4] |
Comparison of Parenting Style in Single Child and Multiple Children Families [Volume 4, Number 2] |
The Effects of Foot Reflexology and Simple Foot Massage on Fatigue and Pain in Children With Leukemia: A Randomized Control Trial [Volume 12, Number 1] |
Choice Theory
The Effect of Choice Theory-Based Group Training on Cognitive Emotion Regulation and Parent-Child Relationship in Male Adolescents [Volume 9, Number 1] |
Chronic low back pain
The Efficacy of Cognitive-behavioral Therapy on Psychological Distress and Coping Strategies of Employees With Chronic Low Back Pain [Volume 11, Number 2] |
Clinical Characteristics
The Clinical Characteristics of Early Cases with 2019 Novel Coronavirus Disease in Tabriz, Iran [Volume 9, Number 1] |
Prevalence of Hypothyroidism Among Patients With COVID-19 in Tehran City, Iran [Volume 11, Number 2] |
Comparative study
An association between change in health expenditures and health indicators; A cross country comparison [Volume 5, Number 2] |
Evaluation of Cadmium, Lead and Zinc Content of Compost Produced in Babol Composting Plant [Volume 2, Number 1] |
Assessment of Nitrous Oxide Concentration in the Operating and Recovery Rooms of Babol University of Medical Sciences [Volume 1, Number 2] |
Corrosion and scaling
Evaluating Corrosion and Scaling Potential of Drinking Water Supplies in Juybar, North of Iran [Volume 5, Number 2] |
Removing Fe, Zn and Mn from steel making plant wastewater using RO and NF membranes [Volume 4, Number 4] |
Effect of Purslane on Kidney Failure Following Copper Toxicity in a Rat Model [Volume 6, Number 1] |
Effects of Solvents on the In-vitro Antioxidant Activity of Dennettia tripetala G. Baker and Milicia excelsa (Welw.) C. Berg Root Extracts [Volume 6, Number 3] |
Biodiversity Species and Ecological Distribution of Scorpions in the City of Darmian, Southern Khorasan, Iran [Volume 6, Number 4] |
Darreh-Morad Beyg River
Assessment of Heavy Metal Contamination in Surface Sediment of the Darreh-Morad Beyg River [Volume 4, Number 3] |
Financial and Transactional Bylaw of Universities and Faculties of Medical Sciences: Opportunities and Threats [Volume 1, Number 3] |
Denture stomatitis
Prevalence of Denture Stomatitis in Patients Using Denture in Sari City, Iran, in 2020-2021 [Volume 11, Number 2] |
Oral Problems and Psychological Status of Older Adults Referred to Hospital and Its Relationship With Cognition Status, Stress, Anxiety, and Depression [Volume 10, Number 4] |
Developing countries
Emigration-related Attitudes of Students of Health Studies in Bosnia and Herzegovina [Volume 10, Number 4] |
Developmental status
Health Disparities in Developmental Status of One-year-old Neonates With Low and Normal Birth Weight: A Comparative Study [Volume 12, Number 1] |
Diabetes mellitus
The Effect of Concurrent Training on Some Cardiovascular Risk Factors, Serum Estradiol and Physical Fitness Indicators in Overweight Women With Type 2 Diabetes [Volume 12, Number 1] |
Diabetes mellitus (DM)
COVID-19 Patients With Peripheral Artery Diseases and Comorbidities: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis [Volume 12, Number 3] |
Investigating Healthcare Workers’ Role in Providing Reproductive and Sexual Healthcare Services in Disasters: A Narrative Review [Volume 13, Number 1] |
Drinking water distribution system
Corrosion and Scaling Potential of Drinking Water Resources of Sarayan County, Iran [Volume 6, Number 3] |
Drug contamination hazard
Risk of Fungal Contamination of Ointments and Tablets after Opening of the Package for Use in Hospitals [Volume 4, Number 4] |
Comparing Factors Predisposing Women and Men to Drug Addiction [Volume 13, Number 1] |
Duration of Breastfeeding
Application of Survival Tree Model in Determining Affecting Factors in Breastfeeding Duration [Volume 9, Number 2] |
Effect of EDTA Chelate, Cow Manure, Elemental Sulfur Application and Thiobacillus Inoculant on Cd, Zn and Fe Phytoremediation Efficiency in a Cd-Polluted Soil [Volume 9, Number 4] |
Eating disorder
The Effect of Media Literacy on Eating Disorders of Female Athletes With the Mediating Role of Body Image [Volume 11, Number 3] |
Socio-Cultural and Economic Factors Influencing Fertility Behavior in Staffs Working in Health Centers in Juybar, Iran: A Cross-Sectional Study [Volume 5, Number 4] |
Evaluation of Health Worker Education to Patients Recovered From COVID-19 [Volume 11, Number 1] |
Psychometric Properties of the Persian Kessler Psychological Distress Scale Among Iranian Older Adults [Volume 11, Number 1] |
The Effect of Educational Intervention on the Physical Activity of the Elderly [Volume 7, Number 2] |
Emergency Department
Associated Factors with Hyperglycemia in Diabetic Patients Admitted to Emergency Department [Volume 8, Number 4] |
Identification of the Components of Health Quality of Life in Afghan Refugee's UN Camp in Fars Province, Iran: A Qualitative Study [Volume 12, Number 3] |
Employed women
Comparison of Sexual Dysfunctions among Employed Women and Housewives Attending’s to Tabriz Counseling Crescent Center Iran [Volume 2, Number 4] |
Predictive Power of Injury Reporting Rate and its Dimensions by Perceived Organizational Support for Safety [Volume 2, Number 4] |
Enabling and Reinforcing-3
Application of the Perceptual Factors, Enabling and Reinforcing Model on Pap Smaear Screening in Iranian Northern Woman [Volume 4, Number 1] |
Epidemiological Study of Patients with Workplace Accidents Referred In Isfahan [Volume 10, Number 2] |
A Study on Musculoskeletal Disorders and Personal and Occupational Risk Factors among Surgeons [Volume 1, Number 1] |
Investigation of Fluoride Adsorption from Aaqueous Solutions by Modified Eucalyptus Leaves: Isotherm and Kinetic and Thermodynamic Studies [Volume 5, Number 3] |
Eurofit test
Prevalence of Low Physical Fitness and Its Related Factors Among Primary School Learners in Lagos State, Nigeria [Volume 11, Number 1] |
Effect of home-based exercise on functional ability of hemodialysis patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis [Volume 5, Number 2] |
Extra pulmonary
The Study of Epidemiology of Tuberculosis in Bane (Kurdistan) between 2003 and 2010 [Volume 1, Number 1] |
Frequency and Correlates of Sexual Dysfunction among Women Attending Outpatient Gynecological Clinics [Volume 6, Number 3] |
Evaluation of Media Literacy in Students of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences [Volume 11, Number 1] |
Physical Activity in the Elderly with Fall Experience Over the Past Year: Results from Amirkola Health and Ageing Project [Volume 7, Number 1] |
Family Climate
The Prediction of Identity Crisis and Addiction Tendency Based on Islamic Beliefs and Family Climate among the nursing and midwifery students [Volume 5, Number 4] |
Feedback quality
Impact of Annual Appraisal Processes on Nurses’ Job Performance and Satisfaction: A Systematic Review [Volume 12, Number 4] |
Food Safety
A Survey of a Cholera Epidemic in Aran va Bidgol City in Summer 2011 [Volume 2, Number 2] |
Frailty models -AIC
Determining the Effective Factors on Gastric Cancer Using Frailty Model in South-East and North of Iran [Volume 5, Number 3] |
Sepiolite, Palygorskite, and Triple Super Phosphate on the Uptake of Heavy Metals by Two Iranian Wheat Cultivars Inoculated With Piriformospora indica Fungus [Volume 11, Number 3] |
Inhalable wood dust: Risk assessment of Occupational exposure [Volume 8, Number 2] |
Gap Analysis
Analysis of Service Quality Gap between Perceptions and Expectations of Service Recipients using SERVQUAL Approach in Selected Hospitals in Golestan Province [Volume 6, Number 1] |
Gender Identity
Depression in Acute Coronary Syndrome Patients: A Cross-sectional Study in Malaysia [Volume 8, Number 3] |
Generalized estimation equations
Evaluation of the effective factors on Bipolar I Disorder frequent recurrence in a 5 years longitudinal study using generalized estimation equations method [Volume 2, Number 4] |
Geographical Distribution
The ABO Blood Group System and Plasmodium Infection in Iran: A Comprehensive Study [Volume 7, Number 3] |
Gestational Age
The Study of Impact of Employment on Gestational Age and Weight of Newborn [Volume 3, Number 3] |
Gloves Protective
A Survey of the Usage of Personal Protective Devices in Industrial Workers in Yazd, Iran, in 2011 [Volume 3, Number 2] |
The Effect of Six-Week High-Intensity Interval Training on Muscle Expression of FTO and PPAR-γ in Obese Diabetic Rats [Volume 10, Number 2] |
Gonbad-e Kavous
Epidemiological Survey of Prematurity in Gonbad-e Kavous in Golestan Province [Volume 1, Number 1] |
Self-Medication Practice and Associated Factors among Adults in Gorgan, North of Iran [Volume 7, Number 2] |
Gram-negative Bacteria
Evaluation of Efficacy of the Current Disinfectants on Gram-negative Bacteria Isolated from Hospital in Yazd in 2014 [Volume 4, Number 1] |
HVAC Equipment
The Empirical Assessment of Vibration in HVAC Systems [Volume 9, Number 4] |
Evaluation of the Factors Associated with AIDS Prevention Performance among hairdressers based on the Theory Planned Behavior [Volume 9, Number 2] |
Impact of Climate Change on Outdoor Thermal Comfort and Health in Tropical Wet and Hot Zone (Douala), Cameroon [Volume 2, Number 2] |
Body mass index and blood cell indices in students of Para-medical Faculty, Babol University of Medical Sciences [Volume 4, Number 4] |
Study of Dioxide Carbon Concentration and Indoor Air Quality in Some Buildings in the Equatorial Region of Cameroon (Yaounde) [Volume 2, Number 1] |
Health care
The Association between Family Socio-Economic Status and Health Care Utilization in Ghaemshahr-Mazandaran, Iran [Volume 2, Number 4] |
Health centers
Calculating the Total Cost of Services at One Health Center Before and After Assignment (2014-2016) [Volume 7, Number 4] |
Health policy
Identifying and Prioritizing Social Determinants of Population Health in Iran: A Mixed Method Research [Volume 11, Number 2] |
Health policy
Meaning in Life of Medical Sciences Students During COVID-19 Outbreak: A Cross-sectional Study [Volume 10, Number 4] |
Health-related quality of life (HRQoL)
Evaluating the Influence of Parental HIV Status on Well-being of Children and Adolescents in Lagos State, Nigeria [Volume 12, Number 3] |
Healthcare workers
Prevalence of Sputnik V COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effects Among Healthcare Workers in a Tertiary Care, Academic Center in Tehran City, Iran [Volume 12, Number 1] |
The Association between Birth Weight, Height and Some Maternal Risk Factors [Volume 3, Number 2] |
Hepatitis B
Assessment of the Core Functions of Hepatitis B Surveillance System in the Southeastern Iran: a Qualitative Study [Volume 7, Number 3] |
Characterization and Larvicidal Potency of Crude Urtica massaica Extracts Against Anopheles gambiae (Diptera: Culicidae) [Volume 13, Number 1] |
Spiritual Leadership and Job Involvement of Employees in Selected Hospitals of Isfahan: 2010 [Volume 1, Number 2] |
Medical Errors Management Before and After Implementation of Accreditation in Hospital [Volume 2, Number 4] |
The Relationship between Ethical Values and Organizational Commitment of Staff in Public and Non- Public Hospitals [Volume 1, Number 1] |
Hospital Information Systems
Effective Factors in the Establishment and Implementation of Patient Electronic Referral System in the Healthcare System: A Qualitative Study [Volume 9, Number 3] |
Relationship of Services Utility with Patients Tending to Hospitals [Volume 1, Number 2] |
Physical environment, occupational conflict, and ambiguity of roles: Job stressors among nurses [Volume 3, Number 4] |
Household Hazardous Wastes
Investigation of Household Hazardous Waste Production in Amirkola, Iran, in 2012-2013 [Volume 2, Number 3] |
Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of Oral Healthcare Among Patients With Fixed Orthodontic Appliance: A Cross-sectional Survey in Yazd City, Iran [Volume 11, Number 4] |
Image classification
A Pre-Trained Ensemble Model for Breast Cancer Grade Detection Based on Small Datasets [Volume 11, Number 1] |
Indigofera tinctoria extract
Acute Oral Toxicity Study of Indigofera Tinctoria L. Aqueous Extract, a Substitute for Synthetic Food Colorants: Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy, Biochemical, and Histopathological Investigation [Volume 10, Number 4] |
Inductively Coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry
Determination of heavy metals in apricot (Prunus armeniaca) and almond (Prunus amygdalus) oils [Volume 3, Number 1] |
COVID-19: The Global Trends and Possible Causes of Disease [Volume 10, Number 3] |
Designing a model of marketing strategies in Hafez Atieh Sazan Insurance Company [Volume 9, Number 1] |
Structural Quality and Utilization of Outpatient Curative Care Under Family Medicine Scheme in Rural Area of Mazandaran– Iran [Volume 1, Number 2] |
Intensive Care Units.
Investigating the Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Social Support with Burnout in Nurses in Intensive Care Units [Volume 8, Number 4] |
Intra-sector Interventions
Intra Sector Policy Interventions for Improvement of Iranian Health Financing System [Volume 1, Number 2] |
Prevalence of sexually transmitted infections based on syndromic approach and associated factors among Iranian women [Volume 5, Number 1] |
Personal exposure to wood dust among workers in NekaChoob factory in 2013 [Volume 2, Number 4] |
Survey of Solid Waste and Wastewater Separate and Combined Management Strategies in Rural Areas of Iran [Volume 2, Number 4] |
Assessment of Nutritional Status and Its Related Factors among Iranian University Students [Volume 4, Number 4] |
The Relationship Between Some Risk Factors and Gestational Diabetes Mellitus In Pregnant Women Referred to Health and Treatment Centers in Zahedan, Iran, in 2012 [Volume 3, Number 1] |
Investigating the Epidemiology of Trauma in Children Under the Age of 15 Years in Semnan Province, Iran, From 2014 to 2018 [Volume 12, Number 2] |
Fluoride Concentration of Drinking-Water of Qom, Iran [Volume 4, Number 1] |
Investigating the Dietary Pattern of Iranian Medical Sciences Students: A Cross-sectional Study [Volume 12, Number 2] |
Serving the Vulnerable Towards Universal Health Coverage in Iran: Afghan Refugees’ Health and Social Wellbeing in the Capital City of Tehran [Volume 10, Number 4] |
Investigation of Air Quality Index and PM10 and PM2.5 in Arak [Volume 1, Number 3] |
Fatigue Severity and Sleep Disorders Among Patients With Multiple Sclerosis: A Cross-sectional Study From Iran [Volume 11, Number 3] |
The Comparative Study of Obesity Differences for Schoolchildren between Turkman and Sisstanish Ethnic Groups in the North of Iran [Volume 3, Number 1] |
Seasonal Pattern Of Brucellosis In Iran: A Systematic Review And Meta-Analysis [Volume 4, Number 1] |
Determination of Age and Vectorial Capacity of Anopheles Maculipennis Sensu Lato in the Central Plateau of Iran [Volume 4, Number 2] |
The Association Between Vitamin D Serum Level and Severity of COVID-19: A Cross-sectional Study [Volume 13, Number 1] |
Typology of Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Toward Vaccines Among Medical Science Students in the Latest Epidemic [Volume 13, Number 1] |
Association between Lifestyle Satisfaction and Tendency to Behavioral Change with Health Related Quality of Life among 40 Years Old and Over in (North of Iran) Mazandaran [Volume 1, Number 1] |
Report of the Crimean Congo hemorrhagic fever in Abadan, Iran: Summer 2016 [Volume 7, Number 4] |
Evaluation of Ground Water Fluoride Concentration in Hamadan Province West of IRAN(2012) [Volume 1, Number 3] |
A Narrative Review of the Control of Mosquitoes by Larvivorous Fish in Iran and the World [Volume 7, Number 2] |
Irrational Drug Use
An Evaluation of Irrational Drug Consumption in Shiraz Households in 2019 [Volume 10, Number 1] |
Application of AzollaFiliculoides Biomass in Acid Black 1 Dye Adsorption from Aqueous Solution [Volume 2, Number 3] |
Isotherm Models
Prediction of the Experimental Data for Removal of Organic Pesticides by Carbon Nanoparticle Synthesized from Pomegranate Peel using Artificial Neural Networks [Volume 6, Number 1] |
Sick Building Syndrome and Its Associating Factors at a Hospital in Kashan, Iran [Volume 5, Number 2] |
Air Born Bacteria Evaluation in The Kitchen Air of Restaurants in Babol City [Volume 7, Number 2] |
Assessing the Cognitive Sign Features and Guessability of Laboratory Safety Signs for Pharmacy Students [Volume 12, Number 4] |
Landfill Site Selection.
Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Site Selection using Analytical Hierarchy Process Method and Geographic Information System in Abadan, Iran [Volume 2, Number 1] |
Language acquisition
Development of Language and Social Skills in Hearing-impaired Children With and Without Rehabilitation [Volume 12, Number 2] |
Latent Class Analysis
Virtual Social Networks Addiction and High-Risk Group among Health Science Students in Iran: A Latent Class Analysis [Volume 10, Number 1] |
Life Style
Lifestyle of students at Tehran University of Medical Sciences during Corona Epidemic: A cross-sectional study [Volume 9, Number 3] |
Life Table- Mortality Epidemiology
Epidemiology of the Mortality, Calculation of Life Expectancy and Years of Lost Life: The Case of Bane, North West of Iran [Volume 2, Number 1] |
Life expectancy
The Effect of Educational Religious Intervention on Improving Life Expectancy in Cancer Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial [Volume 12, Number 1] |
Lipid profile
Acute Effects of Aerobic and Combined Exercise on Serum Lipid Profile in Women with Type II Diabetes [Volume 3, Number 2] |
Determining the Quality of Life, Social and Emotional Loneliness of Physically Disabled Individuals [Volume 10, Number 3] |
Low Birth Weight
Outcomes of High-Risk Pregnancies in Northern Iran: Multivariate Logistic Regression Model [Volume 3, Number 4] |
Low and high birth weights.
Reducing the risk of low or high birth weight for women with low or high body mass index under the care of high quality hospital by using instrumental variable [Volume 5, Number 1] |
Low power UV lamp
Photocatalytic Degradation of Bisphenol A from Aqueous Solutions using TiO2 Nanoparticles and UV Illumination [Volume 2, Number 4] |
MODFLOW/MT3DMS Based Modeling Leachate Pollution Transfer in Solid Waste Disposal of Bahar Plain Deep Aquifer [Volume 6, Number 2] |
Maharlu Lake
Regional Simulation Model of the Meteorological Effects of Maharlu Lake on the Human Climate Health of Shiraz in Iran [Volume 5, Number 3] |
Biopesticides Activity of Three Medicinal Plants Extracts on the Developmental Stages of Malaria Vector, Anopheles Gambiae Giles (Diptera: Culicidae) [Volume 8, Number 4] |
Early Detection of Breast Cancer among Women in Mazandaran, Iran [Volume 1, Number 1] |
Managed care programs
Managed Care After Discharge of COVID-19 Patients in North Iran [Volume 12, Number 1] |
Managerial Skill
Evaluation of Managerial Skills among Pharmacists in South of Iran [Volume 7, Number 3] |
Marital Commitment
The Effectiveness of Prevention and Relationship Enhancement Program on the Quality of Life and Marital Commitment in Married Women [Volume 10, Number 1] |
Marital satisfaction
The Effectiveness of Teaching Intervention Internal Locus of Control on Increasing Marital Adjustment and Satisfaction [Volume 3, Number 1] |
Years of Life Lost due to early death from road traffic injuries in Mazandaran province [Volume 5, Number 1] |
Scientific Productions of Clinical and Non-Clinical Research Centers before and after the Implementation of the Strategic Planning [Volume 3, Number 4] |
Epidemiological Study of Tuberculosis in Northern Iran [Volume 7, Number 3] |
The Prevalence of Type 1 Diabetes in Children of Mazandaran Province [Volume 6, Number 2] |
Meat Safety
The Prevalence of Fascioliasisin Slaughtered Animals of the Industrial Slaughterhouse of Arak, Iran [Volume 3, Number 4] |
Medical Laboratory
Staff Awareness, Attitudes, and Skills toward Radio Frequency Identification Adoption in Medical Laboratories [Volume 6, Number 2] |
The Relationship between Medications and Estimated Risk of Breast Cancer using Gail Model in Women Living in Southeastern Iran [Volume 7, Number 2] |
Paternal Adaptation and Affecting Factors in Men: A Meta-Synthesis [Volume 6, Number 3] |
Metacognitive beliefs
Mediating Role of Spiritual Wellbeing in the Relationship Between Cognitive Flexibility and Metacognitive Beliefs of Students [Volume 11, Number 4] |
Microbial Respiration
Effect of Nano-Particle Compounds and P. Indica on Bio-Degradation of Petroleum Compounds in the Soil Contaminated with Cd under Cultivation of Triticale Plant [Volume 9, Number 2] |
Contamination and Health Risks from Heavy Metals (Cd and Pb) and Trace Elements (Cu and Zn) in Dairy Products [Volume 5, Number 3] |
Mixed method
A Spiritual Care Program for Patients With Cancer and Psychosomatic Disorders in Iran: A Protocol Study [Volume 12, Number 4] |
Determination of Nitrate Concentration in Groundwater in Agricultural Areas in Babol, Iran [Volume 2, Number 4] |
Predictors of Nutritional Behaviors in Iranian Mothers of Children Under Two Years in 2022 [Volume 12, Number 3] |
Mothers Practices
Study of Complementary Feeding Practices and Some Related Factors among Mothers Attending Primary Health Centers in Sari, Iran, in 2013 [Volume 2, Number 3] |
Multi-walled carbon nanotubes
Application of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes in the Removal of Reactive Red 120 from Aqueous Solutions [Volume 3, Number 1] |
Musculoskeletal Disorders
Prevalence of Musculoskeletal Disorders and Analysis of Working Postures by OWAS among Saffron Harvesters [Volume 8, Number 4] |
NanoscaleZero-Valent Iron
Removal of Acid Red 18 dye from Aqueous Solutions Using Nanoscale Zero-Valent Iron [Volume 3, Number 3] |
Examining A Case Report of Nasopharyngeal Myiasis Caused by Lucilia sericata in Central Iran [Volume 12, Number 2] |
Nemazee Hospital
The Satisfaction Evaluation of Nutrition Unit in the Largest Teaching Hospital in South of Iran Using Satisfaction Index [Volume 4, Number 4] |
Neural Network
A Study of Cadmium Removal from Aqueous Solutions by Sunflower Powders and its Modeling Using Artificial Neural Network [Volume 1, Number 3] |
Neural network
Predicting COVID-19 Mortality and Identifying Clinical Symptom Patterns in Hospitalized Patients: A Machine-learning Study [Volume 12, Number 1] |
Non-small cell lung cancer
The Effect of Time-dependent Prognostic Factors on Survival of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer using Bayesian Extended Cox Model [Volume 8, Number 3] |
Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire
Prevalence of Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders and Associated Risk Factors among Nurses in a Public Hospital [Volume 2, Number 3] |
The Perspectives Toward Patient Safety Culture among Nurses Staff in Educational Hospitals in Gorgan in 2011 [Volume 1, Number 1] |
The Evaluation of Removal Efficiency of Phenol from Aqueous Solutions using Moringa Peregrina Tree Shell Ash [Volume 1, Number 1] |
The Relationship between Spiritual Well-Being and Stress Coping Methods to Deal with Job Stress among Nurses in Educational Hospitals in Ardabil City 2021 [Volume 10, Number 1] |
Nursing homes
Palliative Care Models for Dementia in Nursing Homes: A Systematic Review [Volume 12, Number 2] |
Nutritional Problems
The association between maternal depression and anxiety on nutritional problems in children aged 6 to 36 months [Volume 8, Number 2] |
OWAS Method
Posture Analysis by OWAS Method and Prevalence of Musculoskeletal Disorders using Nordic Questionnaire among Workers of Sourak Tobacco Factory in 2013. [Volume 1, Number 2] |
Effects of Skipping Rope Training and Running on Cardiovascular Risk Indicators in Overweight and Obese Girls [Volume 12, Number 4] |
Echocardiographic Epicardial Adipose Tissue as a New Indicator of Cardiovascular Risk [Volume 4, Number 3] |
Obsessive-compulsive disorder
Comparison of Brooding and Reflection Rumination Between People With Depression and Obsessive-compulsive Disorder [Volume 11, Number 1] |
Occupational Diseases
A comparison of Obesity and Some Cardiovascular Risk Factors between Male Employees of Gas Refinery, Petrochemical Plant, and Non-Industrial Workplaces [Volume 6, Number 1] |
Occupational stress
Mediating Effects of Job Stress on the Relationship Between Sleep Quality and Job Satisfaction Among Construction Workers [Volume 13, Number 1] |
Oral Health
Oral Health Literacy and Oral Health Behavior among Adolescents in Babol 2019 [Volume 9, Number 3] |
Oral Health-Related Quality of Life
Evaluation of Oral Health-Related Quality of Life in Elderly People with Type II Diabetes Mellitus [Volume 8, Number 3] |
Organic load
Performance Evaluation of Moving Bed Bio Film Reactor in Saline Wastewater Treatment [Volume 1, Number 1] |
The Association Between Motivation and Pain in Patients Undergoing Orthodontic Treatment [Volume 12, Number 3] |
The Effect of Sandbag and Ice Bag on the Pain After Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: A Randomized Clinical Trial [Volume 11, Number 2] |
Patient Satisfaction
Nurses Communication Skills Training and Its Effect on Patients’ Satisfaction in Teaching Hospitals of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences [Volume 6, Number 4] |
Patients’ Satisfaction
Patient-Physician Communicative Patterns, Physicians’ Job Satisfaction, and Patients’ Satisfaction: The Case of a Hospital in Isfahan [Volume 2, Number 2] |
Pediatric obesity
Profile of Children With Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Referred to a Hospital in Iran [Volume 12, Number 4] |
Peptide YY
The Effect of Aerobic Training and Spirulina on Nesfatin-1 and Peptide YY in Overweight Elderly Men: A randomized trial [Volume 10, Number 2] |
Persian Gulf Region
The Role of Corruption and Healthcare Expenditure in Healthcare Systems of the Persian Gulf Region [Volume 4, Number 2] |
Phenol Removal from Aqueous Solutions by Adsorption on Activated Carbon of Miswak’s Root Treated with KMnO4 [Volume 4, Number 1] |
Physician-Induced Demand
Supplier-Induced Demand in Diagnostic MRI of Primary Breast Cancer [Volume 8, Number 4] |
Determination of Minimum Data Set for Designing a Diagnosis Decision Support System and Medication Follow-Up for Multiple Sclerosis [Volume 8, Number 1] |
Podcast vs. Pamphlet; Which One Is More Effective in Self-care Training Program of Diabetic Patients? [Volume 5, Number 2] |
Policy brief
Childbearing Recommendations for Women of Reproductive Age with Breast Cancer: A Policy Brief [Volume 11, Number 4] |
Policy brief
Integrating Pelvic Floor Muscle Training During Pregnancy in Primary Health Care: A Policy Brief [Volume 11, Number 2] |
Relation between Mortality Rate and Air Pollutant Concentrations in Mashhad, 2007-2009 [Volume 1, Number 2] |
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
Additive Effect of Piriformospora Indica Fungus and Rhodococcus Erythropolis Bacteria on Bio-Remediation of Pyrene in a Pb-Polluted Soil Treated With Tire Rubber Ash [Volume 7, Number 4] |
Reference Values for Serum Total Cholesterol Concentrations Using Percentile Regression Model: A Population Study in Mashhad [Volume 7, Number 1] |
Knowledge, Attitudes and Practice of Women towards Breast Cancer and Its Screening: Babol City, Iran – 2017 [Volume 6, Number 4] |
A Cross-sectional Study of Road Traffic Safety Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice among Emergency Department Staff [Volume 10, Number 3] |
Pre-hospital Actions
Knowledge of Scorpion Sting Patients who Admitted to Ahvaz Razi Hospital about Pre-hospital Care [Volume 3, Number 4] |
A Study of Psychotropic Drugs Being Prescribed to the Patients Attending the Psychiatric Outpatient Department in a Tertiary Care Hospital [Volume 8, Number 3] |
Prevalence of Sleep Disorder among Medical Students in an Eastern University in Iran [Volume 5, Number 1] |
Effects of Malaria Parasites and Its Prevalence in Pregnant Women Attending the Antenatal Clinic: A Study in Gumel General Hospital, Jigawa State, Nigeria [Volume 11, Number 4] |
Prevention and control
Prevention and Control Policies of Dengue Vectors (Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus) in Iran [Volume 11, Number 3] |
Primary care
Factors affecting the relationship between physician and patient in Ahvaz Community Health Centers [Volume 6, Number 3] |
Psychiatric Hospital
The Relationship between Job Satisfaction and Burnout among Rehabilitation Personnel of Razi Psychiatric Hospital in Tehran [Volume 1, Number 1] |
Investigating Psychosocial Causes of the Tendency for Rhinoplasty in Qazvin City, Iran, in 2023: A Descriptive Analytical Study [Volume 12, Number 3] |
Psychotic disorder
Investigating the Factors Affecting the Length of Stay of Patients Admitted To Psychiatry Hospital at North of Iran [Volume 7, Number 4] |
Public Health
The Relationship between Daily Spiritual Experiences and General Health of the Elderly Registered in the Retirement Center of Isfahan [Volume 7, Number 1] |
Public Health Surveillance
The Survey Effectiveness of Active Method in Communicable Disease Surveillance [Volume 3, Number 4] |
Public health
Factors Influencing Measles Vaccine Compliance: A Descriptive-correlational Study in Barangay C, Northern Mindanao [Volume 13, Number 1] |
Investigation of Fluoride Level in Drinking Water Supplies of Qaemshahr City (North of IRAN) from 2006 to 2012 [Volume 1, Number 2] |
Qualitative Research
Iranian Primary Healthcare providers` Perspectives on Providing Pre-hospital Emergency Services in Primary Levels of Healthcare System: A Qualitative Study [Volume 7, Number 1] |
Qualitative Study
The Experiences of Healthcare Providers Regarding Professional Ethics of Front Line Health Workers (A Qualitative Study) [Volume 8, Number 1] |
Quality of life (QoL)
The Correlation Between the Mental Health of Children With Cancer and Their Mothers [Volume 10, Number 4] |
Quality of life (QoL)
Low Back Pain, Disability and Quality of Life in Nursing Personnel: A Cross-Sectional Study [Volume 11, Number 1] |
Regional Disparities
Evidence for Policy Making: Health Services Access and Regional Disparities in Kerman [Volume 1, Number 3] |
The Removal of Amoxicillin with Zno Nanoparticles in Combination with US-H2O2 Advanced Oxidation Processes from Aqueous Solutions [Volume 7, Number 1] |
Removal Efficiency
Removal of Anionic Dyes (Direct Blue 106 and Acid Green 25) from Aqueous Solutions Using Oxidized Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes [Volume 3, Number 3] |
Removal efficiency
Removal of Hg(II) and Cd(II) Ions from Aqueous Solution Using Chitosan: Kinetics and Equilibrium Studies [Volume 3, Number 2] |
Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS)
Assessment of Parathyroid Hormone, Vitamin D, Calcium, and Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone System in Nigerians With Hypertension [Volume 12, Number 3] |
Determinants of Violence Types among Reproductive Age Women: A Cross-Sectional Study in Sarab City [Volume 10, Number 2] |
Resistance exercise
Comparing the Effects of Resistance Training and Aerobic Exercise With Low and Moderate Intensities on Working Memory and Selective Attention of Inactive Young Girls [Volume 12, Number 2] |
Retinal toxicity
Hydroxychloroquine Induced Retinopathy: A Case Series [Volume 4, Number 3] |
Rice Stem
Removal of Acid Orang 7(AO7) Dye from Aqueous Solution by Using of Adsorption on to Rice Stem Waste: Kinetic and Equilibrium Study [Volume 2, Number 1] |
Risk Factor
Prevalence and Risk Factors of Low Birth Weight in Rafsanjan 2017 [Volume 7, Number 2] |
Risk management
Identification and Introduction of a New Classification of Key Performance Shaping Factors in Staff Performance in the Healthcare System [Volume 11, Number 2] |
Robust regression
Mammalian Eye Gene Expression Using Support Vector Regression to Evaluate a Strategy for Detecting Human Eye Disease [Volume 10, Number 2] |
Robust regression
Robust high-dimensional semiparametric regression using optimized differencing method applied to the vitamin B2 production data [Volume 8, Number 2] |
The Quality Variations of the Drinking Water Sources in the Rural Regions of Sabzevar County in a Five Year Period [Volume 2, Number 1] |
The Study of the Nutritive Condition of the Elderly Resident of Sari Sanatorium [Volume 2, Number 2] |
The Long Term Prognosis of Posterior Urethral Valve in Neonate in North of Iran, a More than Ten Years' Experience from a Tertiary Referral Center [Volume 3, Number 2] |
School Safety
Environmental Health Assessment of Primary Schools in Norabad Mamasani City (Fars Province) in 2012 [Volume 2, Number 1] |
The Effect of Prehabilitation on the Self-Reported Outcomes of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: A Systematic Review [Volume 9, Number 1] |
Prevalence of Sexual Behaviors among Medical Students in Southeast of Iran [Volume 10, Number 3] |
Maternal Risk Factors Associated with Low Birth Weight [Volume 5, Number 3] |
Shiraz (Iran)
Water Quality Assessment of Dorudzan Reservoir(Shiraz) for Drinking and Irrigation Uses [Volume 4, Number 2] |
Probability Model of Allele Frequency of Alzheimer’s Disease Genetic Risk Factor [Volume 4, Number 2] |
Sistan and Baluchestan
Survey on the Geo-statistical Distribution of Heavy Metals Concentration in Sistan and Baluchistan’s Groundwater via Geographic Information System, Iran [Volume 3, Number 3] |
Slaughtered animals
The Prevalence of Hydatidosis in Slaughtered Animals of the Industrial Slaughterhouse of Khomein, Iran (2007-2011) [Volume 1, Number 2] |
Sleep quality
Associations of Sleep Problems and Self-regulation With Interpersonal Aggression Among Healthcare Workers [Volume 12, Number 1] |
Sludge Reuse
Sludge Characterization of an Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant, Iran [Volume 1, Number 2] |
Social anxiety disorder
Prevalence and Factors of Social Anxiety Disorder Among Health Science Students in Kathmandu [Volume 12, Number 2] |
Sodium Alginate
Comparing Fenton Oxidation with Conventional Coagulation Process for RR198 Dye Removal from Aqueous Solutions [Volume 5, Number 4] |
Sodium-Glucose Transporter 2 Inhibitors
A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials Comparing the Safety of Dapagliflozin in Type 1 Diabetes Patients [Volume 8, Number 2] |
Inorganic and Organic Zinc Sources and Piriformospora indica Fungus on Reducing the Risk of Cadmium and Lead Due to the Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) Consumption [Volume 11, Number 4] |
Source Reduction
A Study Identifying Causes of Construction Waste Production and Applying Safety Management on Construction Site [Volume 2, Number 3] |
Southeast Iran
Geographical Distribution of Death due to Cancer in Kerman Province, Southeast Iran [Volume 7, Number 3] |
A Causal Model of Chronic Fatigue in Nurses: The mediating role of organizational spirituality [Volume 7, Number 4] |
Spline smoothing.
A New Nonparametric Regression for Longitudinal Data [Volume 1, Number 3] |
Comparison between Revascularization and Optimal Medical Therapy in Patients with Stable Angina Pectoris [Volume 4, Number 2] |
Street Pollution
Survey of (PM2.5) Concentrations in Sari's City Center in 2010 [Volume 2, Number 1] |
Structural Equation Modeling
Understanding the Role of Job Stress in Safety Climate in a Dairy Industry using Structural Equation Modeling [Volume 10, Number 3] |
Human Papillomavirus Vaccination Intention Among Female Students at Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences [Volume 11, Number 4] |
Anxiety, Depression, and Their Related Factors Among Parents/Guardians of Students Affected by Nigerian University Staff Strikes [Volume 12, Number 4] |
Mediating Role of Perceived Academic Stress in Relationships of Self-compassion and Self-regulation With Academic Well-being in Female Students [Volume 11, Number 1] |
The Effects of 6 Weeks of Balance Training on Static and Dynamic Balance of Blind Students [Volume 10, Number 4] |
A Comparative Study of Health-risk Behaviors of Boys and Girls of Freshmen Year at Tehran University, Iran [Volume 2, Number 3] |
The Effects of Grape Seed Extract Supplementation on Exercise-Induced Oxidative Stress in Young Untrained Males [Volume 9, Number 4] |
Analysis of the Relationship Between Social Networking Site (SNS) Addiction and Nomophobia in Iranian Higher Education Students [Volume 11, Number 2] |
Systematic review
Social Support on Family Caregivers of Alzheimer Patients: A Systematic Review [Volume 11, Number 3] |
Tabriz (Iran)
The Customer Quality of Delivered Care to Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Tabriz City, Iran, 2012 [Volume 3, Number 3] |
Tajan Plain (Iran)
Proposing an Index to Evaluate the Groundwater Quality Using “Multi-Criteria Decision Making” Approach and Analyzing the Spatial Distribution in Tajan Plain, Northern Iran [Volume 3, Number 3] |
Heavy Metals Contamination in the Surface Sediments of Talar River, north of Iran [Volume 10, Number 1] |
Target Hazard Quotient
Risk Assessment of Non-Carcinogenic Effects of Heavy Metals from Dez River Fish [Volume 5, Number 4] |
Community Perspectives on Air Pollution and its Related Health Risks: A Case Study of Tehran (2012-2013) [Volume 2, Number 2] |
Burden of Occupational Accidents in Tehran during 2008-2011 [Volume 2, Number 2] |
Associated Factors of Anxiety among Acute Coronary Syndrome Patients in Kelantan and Terengganu [Volume 5, Number 4] |
Ameliorating Effect Of Gamma Irradiated Chicory Against Carbon Tetra-Chloride Induced Kidney And Testis Damage In Rat [Volume 7, Number 1] |
Textile Wastewater
Application of Electrocoagulation Process for Reactive Red 198 Dye Removal from the Aqueous Solution [Volume 2, Number 2] |
The Elderly
The Effect of Electronic Education of Healthy Lifestyle on the Elderly’s Awareness and Satisfaction [Volume 2, Number 2] |
Comorbidities in Patients with Chronic Urticaria; Clinical and Epidemiological Review Study [Volume 9, Number 1] |
Total effect
Factors Affecting Self-Care in Patients with Type II Diabetes Using Path Analysis [Volume 4, Number 3] |
An Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Like Symptoms Associated with Lead Toxicity [Volume 5, Number 1] |
Treatment Failure
Co-morbidity of Diabetes and Tuberculosis Can Affect the Results of Treatment; A Case Control Study in Iran [Volume 10, Number 3] |
A Comparison of Therapeutic and Anti-inflammatory Properties of Triamcinolone and Placebo (Vitamin A) in Treatment of Paederus Dermatitis [Volume 2, Number 3] |
Imagination of Glass Government Based on the Level of Transparency, Corruption, Public Awareness, and Trust in Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences [Volume 8, Number 3] |
The Factors Affecting Nursing Students’ Career Choices in Turkey: A Cross-sectional Study [Volume 12, Number 4] |
Type A
The Effects of OnabotulinumtoxinA Treatment for Spasticity in Patients With Spinal Cord Injury: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis [Volume 13, Number 1] |
University Student
A Study of Health-Promoting Behaviors of Medical Sciences Students of Islamic Azad University of Sari, Iran 2013 [Volume 2, Number 2] |
Urban Roadside
Lead Contamination and Pollution Indexes in Roadside Soil in Tehran, Iran [Volume 3, Number 4] |
Urinary bladder neoplasms
Single Acceptance Sampling Plan Based on Truncated-life Tests for the Exponentiated Moment Exponential Distribution With Application in Bladder Cancer Data [Volume 11, Number 3] |
Vector Control
Assessment of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice toward Vectors Control Programs among Managers of the Schools in Neka, Iran [Volume 3, Number 3] |
Walnut Shell
Investigation of the Effect of Nanoparticles in the Cephalexin adsorption onto Walnut Shell-based Activated Carbon [Volume 4, Number 1] |
Wastewater Treatment
Adsorption Acid Red18 Dye Using Sargassum Glaucescens Biomass from Aqueous Solutions [Volume 3, Number 2] |
Wastewater Treatment Plant
Upgrading of the Mirmohana Wastewater Treatment Plant in Kish Island, Iran, using a moving bed biofilm reactor [Volume 2, Number 3] |
Water Quality
Assessment of Carson Trophic Index in Dam Lake: a Case Study of Ekbatan Dam [Volume 4, Number 4] |
Water Treatment
Application of Azolla for 2-Chlorophenol and 4-Chrorophenol Removal from Aqueous Solutions [Volume 1, Number 2] |
Water quality
Geostatistical Approach for Groundwater Quality Evaluation in Zarin Abad Plain, Iran [Volume 7, Number 3] |
Weibull regression
The Application of Weibull Regression in the Study of Survival Patients Evolved by Gastric Cancer Referred to Imam Khomeini Hospital of Sari (Northern Iran) [Volume 4, Number 3] |
Work Conflict
Comparison of Relationship between Quality of Public Life and Quality Dedicated to Working Life in the Presence of the Mediator role of Work Conflict: A Multi-Group Analysis [Volume 6, Number 2] |
Yazd Province
The Optimized Location of Hospitals Using an Integrated Approach GIS and Analytic Hierarchy Process: A Case Study in Iran [Volume 11, Number 3] |
On the Consideration of Self-Care Behaviors in Patients Affected by Congestive Heart Failure and Factors Related to it
[Volume 5, Number 2] |
Zahedan (Iran)
Job Stress and its Relationship with the Musculoskeletal Disorders among Office Workers of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, Iran [Volume 4, Number 1] |
Assessment of Waste Production and Heavy Metal Emission from Energy Production Sector of Zahedan City [Volume 1, Number 3] |
drug abuse
Substance Use Disorders in the Elderly People Referring to Addiction Treatment Clinics, 2017 [Volume 6, Number 2] |
fuzzy regression.
Estimation of the Amount of Recombinant Protein A Secretion Using Fuzzy Regression [Volume 4, Number 3] |
The Economic Standpoint of Referral System at Using Tertiary Hospital Services in Iran [Volume 5, Number 1] |
Curative Care Utilization under Family Medicine and Rural Insurance in Amol – Iran [Volume 6, Number 4] |
logistic regression model
Evaluation of the Causal Association of Risk Factors for Death From COVID-19 Patients Admitted to Golestan Hospitals by Propensity Score Estimation Method [Volume 11, Number 4] |
modified pistachio shell
Removal of Reactive Blue 19 Dye Using a Combined Sonochemical and Modified Pistachio Shell Adsorption Processes from Aqueous Solutions [Volume 6, Number 3] |
Adsorption Isotherm and Kinetics Study: Removal of Phenol Using Adsorption onto Modified Pistacia mutica shells [Volume 6, Number 1] |
Investigation of Fungi in Drinking Water Resources as a Source of Contamination Tap Water in Sari, Iran [Volume 1, Number 1] |
Assessment of Risk Factors for Hospital Readmission after Kidney Transplantation [Volume 9, Number 2] |